
Archive for July, 2016

midsummer 2016

another half year past. try to be tradition to have this midsummer thingy going…

well time flies really, at the starting of the 2nd half of the year now, so what have i achieve?

  1. been to Taiwan finally. manage to stay for 5 days. not a long trip but mainly to go for the museum and food this time. have the best 陈三鼎珍珠奶茶, 卤肉饭, 花枝羹,蚵仔煎,吴宝春冠军面包。 got it all that are in my must eat eating list.
  2. back to Bangkok to see my gravely ill buddy. well not that gravely yet, but sad to hear when there are issues with kidneys. hopefully he can be fine or at least keep on the same condition, not worsen.
  3. back to penang, just to deliver lychee and having my durians before the season ends.
  4. surviving at work still. 😀
  5. played overwatch
  6. watched Warcraft movie with my wow buddy. well those were the days my friend, we thought it never ends.

lets keep this going annually….

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ranking phobia

fun to see people getting frustrated due to losing game. especially on those which are on the ranking ladder match. well losing is not pleasing, but for us to improve, we learnt from experience. if we doing the same thing over and over without learning, things aint gonna change. anyway, whats so afraid of losing? ranking is just but a number, if i got my reward, dont really give a fuck whats the season end ranking at. we all aint professional gamer anyway. people sit and play for the 12 hours at least a day. just sit back, relax and enjoy the game. there’s always something to learn from matches, just that people put more effort than us, they are at the topper level that’s all. i believe we can be as good as them if we play 12 hours a day too. but that’s not gonna happened.

stop ranting. games suppose to make pleasure, not pressure. chill.

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